Hello again. I’m back with another story and today I will talk about the middle school ski trip. So earlier in February, there was an announcement where there will be a ski trip for the whole middle school later on but there was one problem… There was only 76 seats for the whole middle school. Which means that my friends and I would have to sign up quickly so we could all be together.
Well, that was the idea. But only me and my friend made it. The bus ride was 3 hours. And you’d think since it’s 4am, it would be all peaceful and everything and everyone agrees to sleep. Well think wrong because that was definitely the most chaotic bus ride I’ve been on. People screaming, flashing cameras, and phones volumes at 100%. Oh ya so I forgot to tell you but I’ve never been skiing before, so this is going to be interesting.
So when we finally get there, they had us set our bags down in this room with lockers. Then we got in a line to get our skiing gear and that line was looonnngg. But we finally got our gear and got on the beginner slope. The feeling of when you step on the snow is just like nothing else.
I was learning how to put the skis on and when they snapped, I just started moving backwards but thank god there was somebody behind me to catch me. They told me to not put my skis on when my skis are facing down the slope but he was speaking like really fast so I didn’t catch a single word that he said. At that point I was just too scared that I was going to hit somebody so I just took them off until they started the lesson. So we start the lesson and they teach us things like turning and stopping.
After the lesson, they took us to the bunny slope to test out our skills. I’m not gonna lie, I just kept on falling and I was out of control. So when we were about to leave we realized it was time for lunch so we get to the hall and we see there are 2 options. A very long line for really good food. It felt like red pill blue pill. But my legs were too tired to wait in a line so I just chose the short line.
So we get back to the bunny slope and as usual I’m at the top and I just send it. But this time it was different. I got to the bottom without falling. I went down one more time and I did it again! We rush over to the teacher and ask if we could go down the green slope (the easiest) and they said yes.
We’re on the ski lift and I can’t help but notice the drop but right before I know it, we have to jump off. He asks me if I want to go first but right before I get to answer I’m already moving. While I’m skiing I notice that I’m going insanely fast. Even faster than the adults. So I started to pizza but the pizza wasn’t pizza ing meaning I was not slowing down one bit. I realized that I had to do a pit stop like in hockey. And it works! I’m not going 100 mph.
At the end, we both comment on how easy that was, so we decide to up the level to a blue. But this was a big mistake. We were both ready to take this mountain on so we sent it. But we made the wrong turn…
We didn’t turn to a green or a black, we turned to the terrain park. We both had to just fall so we could talk on what we were gonna do from there. We couldn’t get back up the mountain to the blue so we had to go down the park. I was terrified but my friend not so much. He went down like it was nothing when I’m scared someone’s going to jump on me. He even went on a jump. And finally we got to the end.
I was so tired I just fell. But there was no time for that because we had to get back to the bus in 3 minutes. We quickly return our skis and helmet but we didn’t have an extra pair of shoes so we had to run back the cabin, put on shoes, take our shoes back and put on our bags. But we make it back to the bus.
The bus ride on the way back was fairly calm. Not any screaming so that was nice. When I get home I was exited to tell my family everything that happened, but I was even more exited to take a long hot shower.