Today I will be writing about my backpack project. Now you’re probably wondering, what is the backpack project? Well to tell you what it is, it would make most sense if I start from the beginning.

So during summer break, we had our yearly summer reading and this year we were reading a book called Finding Someplace by Denis Lewis Patrick. If I’m going to be honest, I was not looking forward to reading on that summer break. I just felt so free and there would be nothing to worry about but then this required reading comes in and ruins my flow, is what I thought it would do…

So I started reading the book and to my surprise it wasn’t that bad but I still wish I could do anything besides reading. So I just kept on reading every day and eventually the book got really interesting. So at this point I’m done with the book. In a couple weeks I get a project for LA and in this book, the main character has to leave their house and not come back for a while because of a hurricane so she packs a bag with things that she will need.

But before the backpack project we had to write an essay about who was the hero in the story. I chose a person named Dré because his bravery and leadership was unmatched with the other characters.

Taken by me

Now after that, I get to start the backpack project. So the backpack project would be that there’s a backpack drawing and you would draw what you would bring in YOUR backpack if you were in this situation. When I get my backpack drawing I immediately wonder what I’m gonna put in this thing.

So I start to brainstorm and obviously I think of the things that would be most important so I thought toiletries, clothes, food, and maybe even a blanket. Then I started think about small essentials to me or things that would keep me entertained like candy, a soccer ball, headphones, and my phone.

When I started to draw and color them in I was thinking to add as much color as possible without it looking like a hot mess. So I finished it and it didn’t look that bad.


Taken by me